Our Vision & Goals Club Office Bearers & Staff Sub-Committees Club Management & Team 50 Year Club Library


Glenelg Golf Club offers outstanding membership privileges and opportunities, including a world class golf course, modern Clubhouse with Pinehill’s extensive bar and bistro facilities, and a challenging golf program for players of all levels.

To provide Members with a quality course and facilities, a friendly environment and the opportunity to enjoy their golf.

Our Vision & Goals


  • To provide exceptional golf & social experiences – this is the ‘Bay Experience’.

“When you set foot in the golf club, you know it will be a special day. Members are welcoming, staff know you, and you feel an instant sense of belonging.”


  • The destination Golf Club in SA for experiences that inspire and connect Members, families and communities.

“To create an environment and culture where if you have free time, the golf course and hospitality at “The Bay” is what comes to mind.”

Club Office Bearers & Staff

Office Bearers

Helen McMutrie


Chris Whitford

Vice President

Committee of Management

Paul Grosvenor

Paul Grosvenor


Scott Petherick

Scott Petherick

Vice Captain

Andrew Culley

Andrew Culley

Committee Member

James Frearson-Lea

James Frearson-Lea

Committee Member

Kristin Jeffery

Kristin Jeffery

Committee Member

Paul Gander

Paul Gander

Committee Member

Anna Standish

Anna Standish

Committee Member

Ben Winton

Ben Winton

Committee Member

Women's Committee

Cathie Molloy

Cathie Molloy


Annabel Hamilton

Annabel Hamilton

Vice President

Jo Ricourt

Jo Ricourt


Kristin Jeffery

Kristin Jeffery

Committee Member

Michelle McCormack

Michelle McCormack

Committee Member


Finance & Governance Sub-Committee

  • Andrew Culley (chair) 
  • Paul Grosvenor 
  • James Frearson-Lea  
  • Scott Petherick 
  • Anna Standish 
  • Robert Vincekovic 
  • Emma Twartz 
  • Adam Bryant 
  • Kane Hyams  

Membership Sub-Committee

  • James Frearson-Lea (chair) 
  • Paul Gander 
  • Kristin Jeffery 
  • Ben Winton 
  • Zoe Manton (Junior Captain) 
  • Robert Vincekovic 
  • Adam Bryant 
  • Anna Fontaine 
  • Kane Hyams 

Course Sub-Committee

  • Paul Gander (chair) 
  • Andrew Culley 
  • Anna Standish 
  • Ben Winton
  • Robert Vincekovic 
  • Tim Warren 
  • Emma Twartz 
  • Adam Bryant  

Match Sub-Committee

  • Scott Petherick (chair) 
  • Paul Grosvenor 
  • Kristin Jeffery 
  • Jo Ricourt (Women’s Captain) 
  • Zoe Manton (Junior Captain)
  • Robert Vincekovic 
  • Shane Robinson 
  • Adam Bryant  

Strategy & Infrastructure Sub-Committee

  • Anna Standish (chair) 
  • Paul Grosvenor 
  • Andrew Culley 
  • Scott Petherick
  • Robert Vincekovic 
  • Emma Twartz  
  • Adam Bryant 

Club Management & Team

Robert Vincekovic

Robert Vincekovic

General Manager

Emma Twartz

Emma Twartz

Finance & Administration Manager

Adam Bryant

Adam Bryant

Clubhouse Operations & Membership Manager

Tash Bryant

Tash Bryant

Events Manager

David Bridgman

David Bridgman


Anna Fontaine

Anna Fontaine

Hospitality Manager

Kane Hyams

Kane Hyams

Accounts Manager

Zarnia Engel-Lewis

Zarnia Engel-Lewis

Administration Officer

Tim Warren

Tim Warren

Course Superintendent

Shane Robinson

Shane Robinson

Head Professional & Director of Golf Operations

David Rice

David Rice

Golf Operations Manager

Cameron Scott

Cameron Scott

Pro Shop Manager

50 Year Club

Glenelg Golf Club has a rich tradition and history, much of which derives from the support and loyalty of our Members. We believe it is important to recognise our long-standing Members who have given so much to our Club over the many years of their membership. We thank them for their ongoing loyalty and support and welcome them into the ’50 Year Club’.

50 Year Club Members


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