Join us in upholding the highest standards of sportsmanship and golf etiquette at the Glenelg Golf Club, with our Rules Home. These Rules are the foundation of our golfing community, designed to ensure a fair and enjoyable environment for all.
Local Rules for Club Competitions
A set of Local Rules to be used for Club competitions, entitled ‘Club Local Rules’, has been posted on the MiScore and Glenelg Golf Club phone apps.
These Rules have been designed to provide a quick and easy reference for members and visitors to procedures in dealing with rules matters specific to Glenelg.
Applying Local Rules
The following assists Members and visitors in interpreting the Glenelg Golf Club’s local rules.
To be used in conjunction with the Local Rules which can be found in both the GGC app and the MiScore app.
This is available within the Glenelg Golf Club app, together with explanations of commonly applied Stroke play rules.
Temporary Local Rules
View the Club’s Temporary Local Rules by clicking below.
Commonly Applied Rules of Stroke Play
This is a brief explanation of the Rules of Golf which most commonly come into play—familiarity with them will make you more confident about what you can and cannot do.
These rules apply primarily to stroke play. While rules for match play are generally the same as for stroke play, there are situations where they differ in important ways.
A Guide to the Rules of Match Play
Golf is played in two major forms: Match Play and Stroke Play.
In individual Stroke Play a player plays his/her own ball, in the company of others against a ‘field’ of other players, in a stroke, Stableford or par competition, over a designated number of holes ― usually 18, 36 or 72.
In individual Match Play two players – who are opponents ― play against each other on a hole-by-hole basis over a designated number of holes ― usually 18 or 36.
Match Play Penalties
A summary of penalties incurred in breaching the rules of match play.
To be applied in conjunction with the Rules of Golf.
Includes rules specific to match play and relevant rules which apply equally to both forms of play.