50 Year Club
Glenelg Golf Club has a rich tradition and history, much of which derives from the support and loyalty of our Members. We believe it is important to recognise our long-standing Members who have given so much to our Club over the many years of their membership.
Below is a list of current Members who have been with Glenelg Golf Club for over 50 years. We thank them for their ongoing loyalty and support and welcome them into the ’50 Year Club’.

Club Members
70 Year Members |
Donald Cant | Noel Taplin | |
60 Year Members |
Richard Bowering | Charles Harris | Peter McMutrie |
Modge Brown | David Jervis | Jane Nelson | |
Alexander Cock | Alec Jordan | Catherine Symons | |
Michael Dobson | David Lahiff | David Tamblyn | |
Peter Drew | David Lindsay | Gary Thompson | |
Chris Ellis | Bernie Manser | Christopher Whitford | |
Rod Follett | Margaret McCann | ||
Geoff Hallion | Stephen McKee |
50 Year Members |
Stephen Bennett | Jillian Hodge | Margaret Roberts |
Brian Cahill | Peggy Howard | Phillip Silver | |
Jeffery Crabb | Wayne Humphries | John Stone | |
Jan Dale-Harris | Bryon Kardachi | William Strangways | |
Nicholas Eblen | Terry O’Brien | Gary Taplin | |
Rod Fiske | Felicity Rawson | Sue Tuohy | |
Peter Gebhardt |
James Rawson | Gregory Way | |
John Giles |
John Rawson |
Graham Webster | |
Brenton Green | Bevan Roberts | Dennis Whitford | |
Prudence Henschke | Jean Roberts | Heather Whitford |