Notice to members experiencing booking issues

MiClub has provided an explanation to Members that have experienced issues when in the booking process of busy timesheets.

An issue members may experience is associated to groups of 1, 2 or 3 added early in the booking process of busy timesheets.

A member quickly finds a row ‘6.00am’ and then books and confirms a group of 2 or 3. This process takes all of two seconds if booking made with default group. 

Another member may take five seconds to find a row on the page that looks empty as the page doesn’t auto refresh. Selecting book group for ‘6.00am’ the system goes direct to the booking screen with the member automatically added and can add others to the group to complete the row.  The ‘Default Playing Partners’ is not available for the second member as the three default playing partners exceeds the available spaces.

The booking system has been predominantly designed around member booking groups of 4 in busy periods.  It is not yet sufficiently advanced to provide real-time bookings that update and display instantaneously to all members logged-in.

Passwords Not Saving
Apple devices, iPhone and iPad cannot save passwords for login.  Apple recently changed bookmarked Safari pages icons to not save passwords.  It appears Apple is pushing bookmarked icons into ‘apps’.